Let's talk


A girl hikes across remote moorland. On a hill in the distance, stands a lone building, which she discovers is a long abandoned school hall. A little sun penetrates the dirty glass. An upright piano sits in the far corner. She takes off her muddy boots and with confidence in her gait, strides across to the piano and pulls it by one corner. The rusted wheels are jammed and it pivots, creating an arc. A line is carved in layers of compacted dust and the ancient wooden floor splinters with the weight of the instrument.

In the centre of the room, hinged on one foot, she extends her leg and rotates swiftly and with graceful power. Her feet trace, etch and carve in circular movements, creating marks in the layers of dirt. Her body contorts. She throws herself in controlled but frenetic choreography. The movements increase in size and vigour as a pattern emerges. Finally she stands back to witness the impression her dance has etched on the floor.

Abby Warrilow -Director / Choreographer
Lewis Gourlay -Director / Editor / VFX artist
Victoria Watson - Producer
Joanne Pirrie - Dancer
Abby warrilow - Writer
Andrew Begg - DOP
Sefa Ucbas / Damian Leitch - Focus Puller
Josh Rowe - Camera Assistant
Derrick Ritchie - Gaffer
Paul Lambie - Art Director
Callum Rankine - Composer
John Vic - Sound Design
Costume and makeup - Karen Brown
Executive Producer - Rhona Drummond
Associate Producer - Simon Fildes
Aerials - Aerial Frontiers


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Let's Talk